Gun Laws of America - 6th Edition by Alan Korwin
This book is hot! It takes all the guesswork out of federal gun law, explaining clearly how the whole thing works. Covers the hard-to-find "proper authorities" laws, the Militia, the National Guard, citizens, dealers, importers, collectors, global disarmament, explosives, laws that can take your rights away and the laws to restore them too — great laws, bad laws, 70 pages of juicy intro material, the Lost National Right to Carry... without a doubt this is the fundamental firearm reference book. Don't be fooled by the partial set that BATFE issues. They leave out the parts that control them, and only provide some of the parts that affect you.
Unabridged — all 271 federal gun laws are included, plus thousands of words of "Statutes-at-Large," the unnumbered "hidden" gun laws. And every law is described in detail, in plain English.
America's gun laws are better than you might think — they protect and regulate the right of the people to keep and bear arms for all lawful purposes, severely punish criminal activity, and delineate the government's role. The gun laws are such a mystery, basically, because very few people have ever seen them all.
1. It's like a firearms-law library at your fingertips.
2. The plain-English parts make everything so easy.
3. It's actually fun to read—browse it and you'll see!
4. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.