The Elders of Israel and the Constitution by Jerome Horowitz
This book fills an important need -- that of helping Latter-day Saints understand the Constitution as written by the Framers, whom the Lord described as "wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose." It shows that instaed of being outmoded the Constitution is the basis of America's freedom and prosperity.
For many years Latter-day Saints have been aware of a prophecy of Joseph Smith that the Constitution would be damaged to the point of near destruction, and that if it is saved, they would play a vital role in saving it. The first part of that prophecy is being fulfilled. The Constitution has been greatly distorted to accommodate beliefs incompatible with those of the inspired Framers. In recent years some Church members have felt that Joseph Smith's prophecy no longer applies. Because of widespread erroneous teachings, they have been led to believe that the battered Constitution is the way it should be. This book explains those erroneous teachings and gives its readers a sound understanding of government in general, and the American constitutional system in particular. It is written interestingly and clearly so that it can be read and understood by the lay person. While oriented to members of the Mormon Church to help them fulfill the second part of Joseph Smith's prophecy, it should be of value to all who sincerely desire freedom and prosperity. 212 pages